
Anne Lepère / Artiste sonore Contactez-moi


Anne Lepère, sound artist, composer and radio producer. 

My artistic path began in the world of sound and since then has continued to weave together sounds, breaths and words, for a poetic practice of everyday life, oscillating between the city and the countryside.

In 2013, inspired by the effervescence of Brussels resource centres such as the ACSR (radio sound creation workshop), BNA-BBOT, Q-O2, etc., I created my first radio objects (essay, soundscape, spoken word, documentary poetry, etc.).

In 2016, I embarked on a new path with the Prototypes III training course at Royaumont Abbey (Paris), a course that allowed me to question the relationship between sound and the stage. Since then I've been composing music and sound design for theatre, performance, film and dance. In particular, I've worked with directors Lorette Moreau, Vincent Collet and Amélie Poirier, film-makers Jean Forest and Laurence Buelens (Les Derniers jours d'avril) and choreographers Marion Sage (Grand Tétras, Baves, Jument), Estelle Gautier (Rapid Eye Movement), Thibaud le Maguer (En Lieu Sûr), Danya Hammoud (researchs on Sérénités), and the duo Tumbleweed (Dehors est blanc and A very Eye - Maeterlinck Prize 2023).

At the same time, I'm continuing to develop my radio writing by producing long-form pieces: Autopoïèse, a sound poem that talks about wounds and makes us get caught up in them, supported by the ACSR and the FACR (Fonds d'Aide à la Création Radiophonique de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles) this piece won the **Palma Ars Acustica** (EBU Music) and the **Prix Art Sonore** at the Phonurgia Nova Awards (Paris) in 2019.

In 2022, I produced a second full-length work, Area, a documented uchronia, a piece that takes us on a journey to meet the wild horses of Galicia. This sound poetry questions the linearity of our perception of time and the radio format, offering 120 different listening versions. Area supported by the FACR, Brouillon d'un rêve sonore by the SCAM and le dispositive de la copie privée was nominated for the Marulic Prize (Croatia) and the Radio Drama Festival (UK), and was broadcast at several public listening festivals (Radiophrenia in Glasgow, Rien à voir in the Tarn, Green Days in Montbéliard, CC Jacques Franck in Brussels, Session de Escoita in Santiago de Compostela, etc.).

In 2024-2025, a new long-form radio programme is being produced: Nuages. Produced by Babelfish asbl with the support of the ACSR and the FACR, this piece features sound research using clouds as a sound score and the writing of collective poetry from various workshops.



These sound pieces are broadcasted on radio around europe en international networks, such as: Radio Panik, Radio Campus, Flagey, Brass, CC Jacques Franck, Musiq3, cinema Nova, Deutschland Radio Kultuur (Allemagne), Arte Radio (France), Le labo (Suisse), Radiophrenia (Ecosse), La Première, Nova Rté Lyrics (Irlande), international network, Kinokophone (New-York), Süden Radio (Berlin / Radio Papesse Italy), Nova (Roumania), Réseau des radios publiques européenne (UER), Utopie Sonore (Nantes), …

